How Soft Should a Mattress Be

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Your preferences and comfort should determine the firmness of a mattress. Is it better to sleep on a hard or soft mattress?

A soft mattress is plush; it gently grasps your body while you fall asleep. A plush texture is available for most bed types. It has a low firmness rating cradles your body with fluffy and comfortable fabrics.

But not everyone will enjoy this bouncy mattress style. For the most relaxation, many sleepers require a firmer bed. While side sleepers prefer a softer mattress, back and stomach sleepers prefer a firmer mattress.

How soft should a mattress be? Consider the benefits

Soft mattresses have less dense coils or settings that let a person gently sink into the bed. A soft mattress has a variety of benefits, which are listed below:

  • Simpler to move:

Compared to standard mattresses, some soft ones, such as memory foam ones, are easier to move throughout houses and areas. In the long term, this makes setting everything up simpler!

  • Eliminates pressure points:

Sometimes, a firmer mattress might exacerbate pain and build pressure around the body’s curves. This is less likely to occur on a soft bed. Soft mattresses will cradle pressure points to relieve tension and lessen pain, whether they are all foam or hybrid types.

  • Reduces the discomfort of the muscles and joints:

Soft mattresses are great for people who have joint and muscular pain. It supports the joints and muscles better.

  • Maximum comfort:

A soft mattress’ plush and opulent feel is impossible to ignore. They feel cozy and like clouds, hugging you as you sleep. You will probably enjoy a fluffy pillowtop layer if you’re not sinking too much into an uncomfortable mattress.

Who are soft mattresses good for?

  • For side sleepers:

If you like to sleep on your side, a softer mattress is often better because it gives your shoulders and hips more support. The spine is also better aligned on the side with a softer mattress.

Make sure to choose a soft mattress that won’t encourage sinking by having enough responsiveness to keep the torso raised and the spine in a neutral position.

  • For lightweight:

On a luxurious mattress, lighter people will sleep better. A lighter person doesn’t sink as far into the comfort layer as a heavier person.

Additionally, you gain advantages from the support layer, such as optimal body alignment.

Should I sleep on a hard or soft mattress?

The two most important things to consider are how you like to sleep and whether or not you usually have back pain. People who sleep on their backs or stomachs without experiencing back pain will probably choose a firmer mattress.

However, ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference. Side sleepers or people with back problems may prefer something softer.

Weight is an additional factor to take into account. While a thinner person may not experience much give, even from a softer mattress, a bigger person may find a hard mattress deceptively soft. A firmer mattress is typically better suited for people with moderate to heavy builds.

Another compromise option has a hard mattress with spring suspension and a fluffy, soft topper. Overall, it’s crucial to thoroughly try out mattresses before making an educated decision. It is unlikely to be sufficient to sit on it in stores.

Why are soft mattresses bad?

  • Not supportive of spinal alignment:

It wouldn’t help or improve the alignment of your spine because a soft mattress is not as firm as a hard mattress.

  • Not suitable for couples:

For couples, soft mattresses might sometimes be an issue. The heavier partner may have sunk further, making the surface of the slumber not as even. Finding a hardness that works for both sides might be challenging.

  • Not for heavier people:

It can cause discomfort in people who are heavier physically. A heavier-than-average person might find that a softer mattress wears out faster than a firmer one. This is because softer mattresses might cause a person to sink into them.

A heavier person would have a better sleep experience on a firmer mattress.

  • Lower durability:

Soft mattresses may occasionally be less long-lasting than hard ones. While many designs still have good durability, even with a lighter feel, all mattresses tend to become softer with time. Beginning from an already soft baseline, the mattress may become unsuitable for a shorter period.

Can you make a mattress softer?

Find out what to do in the stages that follow to soften your stiff mattress:

  • Buy a softer mattress cover:

Buying a mattress cover is the most common and quick way to make your stiff mattress softer. Mattress toppers, which rest on the surface of your mattress, might provide you with more relaxation. If you add a topper with a softer firmness rating, your mattress will feel more at ease immediately.

  • Make it turn and flip:

This approach can offer comfort if your mattress can be turned or tossed. Some businesses sell beds with two sides, one softer than the other. You must turn the bed around so that the top portion that was originally up is now facing down if you want to access the softer side of a dual-sided bed.

Turning your mattress daily is also vital to level out wear and tear.

  • Change the slats or structure of your bed:

Check the slats on your bed frame to identify what sort they are.

You can spend money on a bed frame with spring slats to soften your mattress. This is because springboards move with your mattress throughout the night, offering more cushioning comfort.

  • Walking on the bed:

A new mattress could be stiffer than expected, but you can soften it by moving around figuratively. Sleeping on it repeatedly can break it in and eventually feel some softening.

The top of it can be walked on every day, ideally for the next several minutes at a time, and that should help it soften up more quickly if you wish to sleep more comfortably sooner.

  • Heat your bed:

Temperature sensitivity exists in some mattress types, including memory foam. As a result of your body temperature, they soften and follow the contours of your body.

Most mattress makers say you should sleep on your mattress for at least 30 nights before sending it back. This gives the mattress time to break in. When a new mattress is used a lot, it gets softer a little bit faster, which shortens the time it takes to break it in.

When is a mattress too soft?

If your mattress is too soft, you might wake up with aches and pains and look like you didn’t get enough sleep.

  • Morning neck and shoulder aches that never go away:

If you frequently wake up with neck and shoulder aches and choose to sleep on your stomach, it may be because your mattress is not hard enough.

  • Feeling buggy throughout the day:

Sleeping enough to be awake and productive during the day would be best. Check your mattress if you wake up feeling drowsy and distracted. It means you don’t get the recommended sleep of 7-8 hours each night. A soft mattress will impact your sleep and the rest of your day.

  • The Mattress’s base layer is feelable:

Most often, high-quality mattresses have three or even more layers. The layer on top is for relaxation, the layer in the middle is a transition, and the layer at the bottom is for support.

The top two layers are made to fit your body’s contours and ensure your relaxation. You shouldn’t feel the bottom support layer while sleeping on this mattress. Your mattress is too soft or old if your body starts sinking to the bottom.


Why are soft mattresses so pricy?

Most of the time, soft mattresses are more expensive than firm ones. This is because plush mattresses are often made with many layers of softening materials to give the impression of falling into a cloud.

What type of mattress is good?

Medium-firm mattresses are a good choice for mixed sleepers because they often balance pressure relief and support. They can support your hips when you sleep on your back and are soft enough to take the pressure off your shoulders when you sleep on your side.

What mattress type is the softest?

Memory foam gives a soft, hugging feeling to people who enjoy sinking into their beds. Although they can run hotter than hybrid or innerspring beds, they are often the softest beds you can purchase. Latex mattresses provide a softer surface and pressure reduction, similar to memory foam.


When selecting the best mattress for you, there are numerous things to consider.

  • The easiest way to decide on a mattress is to test several different models.
  • Back discomfort and sleeping position should be the two main considerations when buying a new mattress.
  • Considerations like weight, whether you share a bed with anyone, and personal choices are also beneficial.

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