Air out a mattress

Air out a Mattress: Is it Essential? 19 Important Answers is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Mattresses last longer when aired and should be aired at least once a week, as it deodorizes and freshens them.

Air out a mattress and pillows to reduce allergies and microorganisms. Even in the winter, airing indoors or outside reduces dust and bed bugs.

Every adult perspires and exfoliates while sleeping, which sheets and mattresses absorb. Moisture and skin cells in your bed make dust mites, and allergies thrive.

Allergens can irritate the skin, causing a runny nose, sore throat, or watery eyes. Because of this, your mattress may smell bad and need to be cleaned and deodorized often.

Why air mattresses?

Warmth and moisture will go into the sheets and mattress if you immediately make the bed. The trapped moisture will smell stale.

Even if you only have 30 minutes before work to air the bed, it’s worth it.

Mattress airing?

Step 1 – Open the bedroom windows in the morning for fresh air.

Step 2 – Shake the pillows, then plump them on the bed.

Step 3 – Turn the cover to the end of the bed, hanging it if required, to expose as much mattress as possible.

Close the windows before leaving. Make the bed before you go to work or when you arrive home.

If you like your bedroom neat and organized before work, make the bed and pull the covers up when you get home.

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During the day, air out your mattress. Let it out for 3–4 hours on a sunny, dry day. Bring it in before nightfall to avoid a damp, stinky mattress.

What’s the new mattress airing time?

The smell of a new mattress usually fades within a few hours or days. To avoid off-gassing, leave your mattress outside for two days. If possible, let it air out for a week or two.

Some mattresses may be used straight after opening because they don’t smell. Trust your nose when buying a new mattress. The mattress may be harmful if the scent persists for weeks or months.

How do you air out a foam mattress?

If you can’t take the foam mattress, pillow, or topper outside, place it against a chair or wall to breathe. Open windows should be used with an exhaust fan. As the foam product dries out, the smell fades.

What’s off-gassing?

Off-gassing occurs when your mattress emits gases at all hours of the day and night. Off-gassing occurs when volatile organic compounds (VOCs) degrade in some product parts.

VOCs include

  • Chloromethylene
  • Toluene
  • Naphthalene
  • Perfluorocarbons
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
  • Benzene
  • Formaldehyde

Over time, these volatile chemical compounds degrade, releasing gas into homes. Research shows that most of the gas will be emitted in the first two months of product use.

Mattress off-gassing: How long?

Off-gassing odors typically disappear within two weeks, but the strength varies per model.

How fast can a mattress be aired?

Use two fans on either side of the mattress or one at the end to cool it. Open the windows and turn on the ceiling fans to promote airflow.

When should I air my mattress?

Every six months, deodorize your mattress. If you suffer from night sweats, deodorize more. You can use home cleansers to remove the sweat smell from a mattress.

Airing out a new mattress

Mattresses might have a residual fragrance from manufacturing and packaging. After removing the plastic wrap, let it air out to lessen the stench. New mattresses should be air-conditioned for 24 hours because off-gassing occurs on the first day.

Where do I air out a mattress?

Don’t buy a new mattress if you live in a rural location with mice and raccoons. Worse, they could urinate or defecate there to claim it. Air your mattress outside. You may not have enough space in a city and must air your mattress indoors.

Suburbanites can air their mattresses outside. Mattresses should be aired out in the backyard. You can lean it against a wall on a clean porch.

How do you air out a mattress?

Before replacing the bedding, give the mattress an hour to breathe.

Morning mattress airing is ideal because the normal morning routine takes an hour.

You can shower, eat breakfast, and leave while your mattress dries naturally.

When should I air out my mattress?

Ensure comfort. Wait for a sunny, warm day to expose the mattress to sunlight and air. Spring through September had the fewest rainy and cold days. If the weather is bad, you can air the mattress indoors, although outside is preferable.

How should an open-air mattress be vacuumed?

To remove dust, vacuum the mattress in fresh air. Once a week or once a month, vacuum the mattress to remove dust and dust mites. Vacuuming the mattress will reduce the time needed to air it.

Should you make or air out your bed?

Making your bed every morning can make sleeping harder because the duvet retains moisture. Experts recommend pulling back your bed linens to air out your mattress, especially in the summer.


1. Is off-gassing dangerous?

Mattress VOCs may appear scary but don’t worry if you let them dissipate quickly.

2. What Chemicals Should Mattresses Have?

Avoid formaldehyde and PBDEs. These compounds could be hazardous if exposed frequently.

3. How do you clean a mattress?

We recommend the following to enhance the life of your mattress:

  • Avoid bending or leaping on your mattress.
  • Wash your bedding every 1-2 weeks.
  • Mattress protectors prevent stains.
  • Allow your mattress to breathe by removing the covers daily.
  • Rotate and/or flip your mattress as directed.
  • Clean your mattress with warm, soapy water and a towel after spills.

4. How do you fix a sagging mattress?

  • Older mattresses sag. If your mattress sags, replace it to avoid spinal misalignment, aches, and pains.
  • Put firm pillows under your mattress in the problem areas for padding and support while you wait. Every eight years, replace your mattress.

5. How often should bedding be washed?

To prolong the life of your mattress, wash your sheets every 1-2 weeks. This decreases the amount of bedding debris that seeps into your mattress, and the freshness may help you sleep better.


Mattress airing is an often-overlooked home maintenance task. Regular mattress airing minimizes allergy and microbial populations.

Indoor or outdoor airing is easy to add to your cleaning routine. Mattresses can be cleaned alone or alongside other duties. Even in winter, airing the mattress can prevent dust and bedbugs.

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